Saturday, February 28, 2009

Canon HV20 - Weapon of Choice

Here's a shot of the tricked out HV20 with the cine-adapter and a Nikon 50mm lens. Simple, easy to use... My overall impression of this video camera is one that captures a beautiful image with easy-to-use controls and record settings. The menus and submenus are neatly organized and effortless to use. Switching to shutter priority mode and changing white balance to night mode were easy navigations, with no noticeable hassle. The HV20's ease of use is perfect for micro-budget feature shooters. In addition, the 24P HDV mode gives this camera an edge over its competitors with more advanced shooters. The low-light image quality is quite good, and the clarity and crispness of the image are fantastic. Add a Nikon cine-lens and the French adapter and you got a cine-quality mobile platform that rocks!

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